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Pastor Jordan explores the profound experience that changed the course of Paul's life, drawn from Acts 9, 1-19. The sermon delves deeply into Paul's encounter with the risen Christ on the road to Damascus. Pastor Jordan guides listeners through the distinct phases of orientation, disorientation, and reorientation. These moments of transformation are linked with Paul's journey, from a zealous Pharisee to a persecuted Christian. The sermon is a thought-provoking exploration of how faith in Christ can bring about significant transformation.

Pastor Caressa continues our series, "Christ's Encounters of the Risen Kind," with an inspiring sermon titled, "The Great Commission and Ascension." Drawing from the scripture Matthew 28:16-20, Pastor Caressa reveals an emotional journey of faith, hope, and redemption as she recounts the story of Ari, a young girl who lives on the edge of a city dump in Guatemala.

In this moving sermon, Pastor Caressa revisits the moment the disciples first encountered Jesus, traveling back to their initial fishing miracle and Jesus' prophetic challenge to Peter. From their struggles to astonishing miracles, from denial to restoration, immerse yourself in this transformative encounter that forever altered the lives of the disciples.

Pastor Jordan sheds new light on Doubting Thomas encounter with the resurrected Christ. Drawing from the scripture John 20, 24-31, the narration revisits Thomas's demand for proof of Christ's resurrection. Far from endorsing blind faith, it emphasizes the importance of mindful belief, transforming traditional understanding of faith and echoing the value of truth-seeking.

Pastor Caressa delves into a profound sermon from the series, Christ Encounters of the Risen Kind. She provides insightful reflections on the story of Jesus appearing to his disciples as depicted in John 20, verses 19-23. Pastor Caressa beautifully highlights the metaphor of hiding behind fear and uses it to emphasize the journey to inner power and purpose.

 Listen to Pastor Caressa as she dives deep into the latest sermon of the "Meeting Jesus at the Table" series. The sermon is an intricate revelation about the resurrection of Jesus, his encounter with his followers, and the transformative power of faith and realization of the Divine.

This sermon invites you to recognize and cherish the extraordinary presence of Jesus in the ordinary moments of life, encouraging a deeper understanding of his love, acceptance, and guidance.